HTML attributes

Sometimes we need to add attributes to set some functionalities in the website, be it to control the theme of the application, decide the direction of text (dir attribute), or set up the language of (lang attribute). More often than not, it is practical to add these attributes to the html tag as it's usually the container of the application.

To do this with Qwik city, go to src/entry.ssr.tsx and add them to containerAttributes like so:

export default function (opts: RenderToStreamOptions) {
  return renderToStream(<Root />, {
    // Use container attributes to set attributes on the html tag.
    containerAttributes: {
      lang: "en-us",

In addition to that, from the opts.serverData object (and nested objects) you can get information about the request, like request headers, url, route params, etc. By leveraging this information, now we can do the following:

export default function (opts: RenderToStreamOptions) {
  // With this route structure src/routes/[locale]/post/[id]/index.tsx
  const isRTL = opts.serverData?.qwikcity.params.locale === 'ar';
  return renderToStream(<Root />, {
    containerAttributes: {
      dir: isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'


Thanks to all the contributors who have helped make this documentation better!

  • bab2683
  • hamatoyogi